Here you will find a selection of photos of birds that I took around the world.
If you are interested please check out my birds gallery with a sample of photos of all the birds species I manage to capture.

Night watch


Green-Barred woodpecker / Carpintero real / Calaptes melanochloros

Loica Comun (Sturnella loyca)

Loica Comun (Sturnella loyca)

Remolinera Castaña - Cinclodes atecamensis

Buteo polysoma

Corodoba Argentina

Jote Cabeza Roja

Mute Swan - Cygnus olor

Berlin, Germany

Mandarin Duck - Aix galericulata

Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

Berlin, Germany

White wagtail -motacilla alba

Blackbird - Turdus merula

encuentro COA sierras chicas Yzurieta

En Mendoza vive este confiado amigo.

Comecebo Andino

Chinchero chico

Garcita Blanca

Garza Blanca


Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle rudis

Three-banded plover - Charadrius tricollaris

All yellow bill, fork tail

This African King fisher usually hunts by hovering over the water to detect prey and diving vertically down bill-first to capture fish.

Cape glossy starling - Lamprotornis nitens

Urutau, Kakuy

Urutau, Kakuy

Carpinterito común - White-barred piculet - Picumnus cirratus

Carpinterito común - White-barred piculet - Picumnus cirratus

Carancho mojao

Amazing Emperor pinguins come ever year to Tierra del Fuego's shore to start a new breading season.

Theristicus melanopis, Bariloche, Argentina


hermitaño barbiblanco, Phaethornis hispidus, White'bearded Hermit, Mindo Ecuador

Calandia, Cordoba, Argentina